1st STAIR Lab Hackathon. Many improvements on the software side of the project. This was our first f2f meeting.
Published on March 23, 2022 by Thomas Gatterer
workshop diy robot
After a period of biweekly online meetings due to covid, we had the first opportunity to meet the project members. This happened in a full day hackathon. It was the first “real” come together for the whole group except for some meetings for some hardware exchanges.
We used the advantages of a real life meeting to exchange views from different positions in the project. By this it was possible to hear sounds and see movements from the robot while programming the simulation or reading/writing papers. „Ad hoc“ questions or help between the different „workbenches“ were therefore helpful during the hackathon. During the joint lunch we spoke a lot about the robots but we also used the opportunity to socialize.
Working in different places and sometimes at home and not always having the right tools at hand made visiting the appropriate robotic workshop/lab relevant.
Also obtaining an overview over the whole project with the arising new ideas made the hackathon successful. We planed a systematic literature review in this circumstances. Some of the institute employees (professors and others) joint our group to see whats going on, and have a look on our project and the motivating robots on the table.